Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Waterloo.
Founder @gonabit, @bidvine • Worked at @livingsocial, @adgear • Investor @dash, @flashprops • Studied at @university-of-toronto, @wilfrid-laurier-university
@DMACMullin Modern Gentleman, Investor, Troublemaker, & thrives on continuous innovation.
Sales Engineer @pagerduty. EE @uwaterloo alum. Ex- @salesforce, @assistly.
Worked at @apple, @microsoft • Investor @leanplum, @pinnatta • Studied at @queen-s-university
CEO of Tulip Retail. Founder of @well-ca. Creator of BrickBreaker. Software Developer. Ecommerce Guy.
EVP at Maplesoft
Founder/CEO @highline ( @extremestartups + @growlab merged Accelerator ). Seed Investor. Digital Product Entrepreneur. Innovation Platform Architect
vc @inovia - excited about ideas
uwaterloo (''06 / comp sci-bioinformatics)
ivey ('10 / mba)
rbc, psi, fidelity (engineering gigs)
CTO at Demeure. Founder of 3 venture backed startups & helped a few along the way: @postrank (GOOG). Vision, leadership, product design & strategy.
Previously co-founder at @couple (YC W12). Y Combinator alum. Studied Economics and Psychology at the University of Waterloo.
Co-founder BufferBox (Acquired by Google 2012, YCombinator S'12), University of Waterloo - Mechatronics Engineer. Start-up adviser, investor.
Co-Founder Kira Talent • Worked at @minted, @nuance-communications • Studied at @university-of-waterloo • Next36 Entrepreneur
Director, Strategic Investments & Initiatives @ BDC Venture Capital. Intrapreneur. Entrepreneurial VC. Venture catalyst. Startup champion.
2-time founder, YC alum, Founder @
Founder at @kitematic • Worked at @twitter, @google
Director, Creative Destruction Lab @ Rotman; Founded, @tribehr; big fan of the Waterloo/Toronto community; built VeloCity; like early stage startups + Canada.
EiR at @OMERSVentures. Focused on custdev & productdev. Cofounder of @influitive. Worked at @microsoft, @reactivity, @trilogy. @carnegie-mellon-university MS in HCI + UWaterloo BSc.
UWaterloo Software Engineering '14. Previously at Twitter, Crashlytics, Square, and Xtreme labs.
CEO of @maluuba, UWaterloo Computer Science. Strong leadership, Technology vision and product strategy, Worked at @sybase, PitneyBowes and NexJ
CEO of @tribehr (Sold to NetSuite 2013), CEO of @lewis-media (Sold 2009), CEO @onmyblock-ca, and Co-Founder @simple-machines-forum. UWaterloo Computer Engineer.
Developer Relations @thalmic. Follow to get the latest details of the @thalmicdev program and how to develop with Myo!
Hardware Engineer at @facebook • Studied EE @university-of-waterloo
Full-stack web dev with a talent for usability.
Founder @ticketlabs (YC S14), graduated @university-of-waterloo
Senior Portfolio Manager @gchallenges | Course Director @SchulichMBA | IC Member @YSI_CapitalFund | ex RBC, Sarona, CGAP
Co-Founder of @relay. Former Product Manager on Google+ Mobile and Software Engineer on Mobile Search/Gmail. Waterloo CS grad.
Founder @ticketlabs (YCS14) • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Founder Vouchr, Previously founded @j2play sold to @electronic-arts • Worked at @electronic-arts Director of Social Platforms
Worked on Mobile Google+ and hangouts.
Founded Freepoint Inc and launched
Working at Square
Co-Founder of @piinpoint. University of Waterloo Geomatics and Computer Science. Developer of data visualization and location analytics tools.
CEO & Co-Founder of PiinPoint (YC S14)
Co-Founder & CTO at Organimi.
Mentor at University or Waterloo's VeloCity, Communitech's HyperDrive &
Senior Director, Rogers Ventures. Board Member, @scribble-technologies & @gridcentric
VP Engineering at ArtBarn Labs
Web operations lead at Thalmic Labs. Space technology enthusiast, proud Canadian, tech entrepreneur.
VC at @bdc-venture-capital
CEO of Second Funnel. Self-taught programmer. UWaterloo MBA '09, UBC Engineering Physics '06
Currently studying Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Previous internships focused on web application development in Ruby and Python
Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Worked at @well-ca, @research-in-motion
Co-Founder & CMO of Coachd.
Founder / CEO of Plasticity Labs • Building the Happiest High Performing Workforce, Recently Closed $2.1M investment round
Founded PixStream (Sold to Cisco), Founded Sandvine (Public), Founded Emforium (Closed), Founded Auvik Networks
Founder at @fora. Ran Canada's largest college newspaper. Worked at United Nations HQ as NGO Consultant. Top 20 Nigerians under 20. UWaterloo '12
Co-founder of @pumpup; BBA @wilfrid-laurier-university; Former Marketer at @unilever, @pepsico and @ConAgra Foods.
Founder @notewagon, @coursemodo • Studied at @university-of-guelph. Strong UX/UI background
Founder Tripzaar • Studied at @university-of-waterloo (VeloCity resident) - Founder MattRae Photo - Employee with Toyota, Ontario Power Generation, Cargill
Software Engineer at ExcitEm; Worked at @amazon, @if-we-1; UWaterloo Software Engineer Grad (Dean's Honours List)
Founder of Tripzaar. Brought previous startup @goosechase to 6 figure revenue. ex-@Apple and @polar-mobile, @university-of-waterloo Alumni.
Co-Founder, Neverfrost. UWaterloo Nano Engineering Graduate.
Founder & CEO @blitzen. Masters @university-of-waterloo Engineering. AngelPad 7.
Web developer and product guy. Created Recipeasly. Formerly of @kik-interactive and @unata .
Zora Cofounder, First Executive Director @volta, Cofounder @titanfile, Maritimer.
Waterloo CS, lover of networks and security, self-acclaimed linux guru. Determined to develop a functional OS kernel and reverse engineer everything I touch.
Founder Avidbots • Worked at @kinaxis, @amdocs • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Founder Lessons Invoicing • Works at @buffer • Studied at @university-of-guelph
Co-founder of @monstro. 1st company at 11. Previously at @sandvine(TSX:SVC) and @postrank(@google). Strong product and ops. CTIA Top 5 innovative company.
CEO of Will Pwn 4 Food. Hyperdrive Accelerator 1st cohort, BCS @university-of-waterloo. Worked at RIM, D2L, SLF. Past SIFE president.
Software Developer. @tribehr Engineering Manager. Maker. Hacker. Self-diagnosed wantreprenuer. Community enthusiast. Political wonk.
Geek of all trades.
doing stuff. making stuff. helping others make stuff.
Waterloo EE Student and Hackaday writer. Worked at Tesla Motors and CrossChasm Technologies. I build hardware, software, and the stuff in between.
Co-Founder • Studied at @university-of-waterloo • @lightspeed-venture-partners and @the-kairos-society Fellow
Founder @international-gaming-league
Pensive, entrepreneurial biped with a strong technical background, and a focus on web based tech.
CTO and Co-founder • @techstars alumnus • Founder @mysnowbuddy • Consultant @avanade • Junior Lead @airg • Slacker at @simon-fraser-university
Software Engineer @rollbar. Cofounder @goosechase. Bachelor of Computer Science at the @university-of-waterloo
Technology entrepreneur
3x Entrepreneur. Obsessed with mobile products. Founded @dateonfire, @pokerspace-com • @semacode-com Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Financial services professional
Startup Services Manager @communitech • Worked at @research-in-motion @infinidy-corp • Engineer • Designer • Developer • Hacker • Studied in Switzerland, Canada
Self-unemployed developer looking for adventure in a creative workplace!
Worked at @bunch-1, @university-of-toronto-1 • Studied at @university-of-waterloo, @university-of-toronto
Serial entrepreneur including a successful acquisition /w @productwiki. Currently working @google as a @product_manager. Focused on @consumer-internet and @mobile-2.
Founder @ecopia, formerly at @fleetbit, Ivey HBA
Director of product management at RIM for BBM, App World, BES, & the app dev platform. Founder of @myracevideo, servicing top marathons. Software dev background.
SVP Marketing and Alliances at BlackBerry and most recently built the global marketing org of an up and coming edtech company Desire2Learn
CTO at @Mercatusinsight, @rypple, @redknee. Advisor at @kiinzel, @realsociable, @devbbq, @printchomp, @parkbench, Studied at @university-of-toronto, @mcgill-university
VP Product at @idoc24, a tele-dermatology platform developed in @stockholm and launching in North America
Co-founder and CEO of MappedIn; worked in RF at RIM. Electrical Eng (Honours) student at uWaterloo.
Founder @videostream, won Global Startup Battle • HYPERDRIVE alum • @research-in-motion Hardware • @McMaster B. Mechatronics Eng, min. Business
Software Engineer at @careguide
Founder @BuildCircle Inc.
Co-founder @ Roadmunk. Co-founder @ Pokerspace and Product Manager @ Miovision. All things startup and product.
Entrepreneur. Designer + Engineer, University of Waterloo
Co-Founder @palette • Worked @if-we-1 @telus @td-securities • Studied Mechatronics Engineering @university-of-waterloo
Worked at @parkbench
Founder LeadGecko Inc. • Studied at @queen-s-university
Former Sales Engineering Director at Dell, Engineer with technology consulting, business development, sales experience, Kellogg-Schulich Exec MBA 2014
Product Management leader at @research-in-motion; redefined mobile email, brought @livemocha to 10M users • MASc in Systems Design at @university-of-waterloo
BASc Nano student at @university-of-waterloo and former team member @neverfrost and Nicoya Lifesciences.
Founder at Palette • Worked at @apple, @spartan-bioscience, @toyota • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Co Founder, CEO @steamblocks • Studied at @university-of-westminster-uk
Program Manager @communitech-hyperdrive @communitech. Founder @shield-diagnostics , @unbound-books. Engineer from @UofWaterloo.
Passionate growth strategist and user experience designer. @next36 entrepreneur. Always curious, always learning, always creative.
Founder of Happenate. Full-stack developer. UWaterloo alum.
Founded @kitematic
Founder @kitematic • Worked at @cisco, @amd • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Founder/CEO at Monolith Interactive, makers of precision mobile apps.
@SweetTooth co-founder, eCommerce advocate, #Magento engineer, @CodingForACure, Travel lover, and Entrepreneur
All about UX and product design. Partner at @ArtBarnLabs. VP Experience Design at Demeure. Founder of UX Waterloo and Fluxible. Thinking about sushi.
Worked at @printchomp • Studied at @sheridan-college, @centennial-college
Co-Founder and CEO at Homefed • Studied at @university-of-waterloo, @simon-fraser-university
Executive MBA and an international business career spanning 25 years, 20+ years at the CxO level across start-up and growth companies in several industries.
Co-Founder @trendradius
Part-Time Graduate Student @ University of Waterloo
Founder @woof • Worked at @niteroll • Studied at @mcmaster-university
Principle Security Architect at WillPwn4Food and Product Security Manager at McAfee (an Intel Company). Leader of the Kitchener/Waterloo OWASP chapter.
Passionate & Creative Student @uwaterloo, CEO & Editor-In-Chief at Passion8 Magazine @passion8tweets & Co-op student at WestonExpressions @westonex.
Computer Engineer turned Sales & Marketing Evangelist
Co-Founder • Coder • BCS 2013 @ @university-of-waterloo
Founder LeafNotes • BCS @university-of-waterloo
BIG THINGS have small beginnings.
Interested in entrepreneurship, technology, disruptive innovation, travelling, geopolitics and tennis. Working on becoming a better skier...
Founder at @cubic-work;
Studied at @university-of-waterloo-2 .
CEO of Lumos. I dig game development and filmmaking.
Senior Scientist @nicoya-lifesciences starting in October. PhD in Nanotech @imperialcollege in London. M.Eng and B.Eng in Chem Eng @McGillU
Founder @future-hunt , @hackworthy, @longevity-hub • Worked at @blackberry-2
Founder Sparkgig • Worked at @pivotal-labs, @xtreme-labs • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Co Founder @steamblocks. Computer Science graduate interested in Design and Operations.
Worked at @communitech-waterloo • Studied at @university-of-waterloo, @wilfrid-laurier-university
Founder of @taab, simplifying mobile payments. Waterloo ElecEng & CompEng graduate. Master's student at Toronto. Second software startup after UW.
Founder Gratious • Worked at @amazon, @artbarn • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Founder and CEO @styleid - Always optimistic and up for a challenge.
CompEng @university-of-waterloo • Interned @vectorface @vitalhub @bnotions @ibm • Tech, books, music
David is a passionate Founder of the @changeit Program.
Founder TagTalk • Studied at @university-of-waterloo and three other different universities
Co-Founder of @cryptiv @market-clouds-1. Financial market junkie. Biz dev. Stock and options broker. Trader.
Founder HearthStats • Worked at @procter-gamble-2, @gopexo • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Founder of @jetpronto; Partner, Chat for LinkedIn; Created @wurdzee; Graphic Design; Software Development; Marketing; Fortune 500 experienced; PhD in Awesome
Founder Gratious • Worked at @zynga, @amazon • Studied at Software Engineering @university-of-waterloo
PhD candidate at University of @oxford-university in Mechanical Engineering as Rhodes Scholar. Teacher and strong generalist engineer who can code.
Founder and CEO @nicoya-lifesciences. Studied Nanotechnology and Mechanical Engineering @university-of-waterloo.
Math/CA Grad from @university-of-waterloo | Currently working on @north-pine-ventures | Interested in #startups #tech #entrepreneurship #sports
UX designer-for-hire at @unnormal · Founder at @ethical-coffee-chain · Seeking: good people to work with, design problems worth tackling.
Founder Koronis Inc. • Studied at @university-of-waterloo, @university-of-manitoba
Co-founder / CPO @homefed. Strong design and tech background, studied Industrial Design at OCADU
Founder of Sesame. Mechatronics engineering grad from uWaterloo; The Next 36 Alumni; Kairo Society Canada Fellow.
@sceneverse Co-founder & Director. Studied philosophy & design. Strategic product management since '98. Author. Adizes approach to leadership and org design.
Founder Voisin Capital Inc., JD, MBA at @university-of-western-ontario, BA @wilfrid-laurier-university
Founder @sentry-scientific-inc • Worked at @facebook, @palette • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Studied at @wilfrid-laurier-university, built amazing Tire Pressure Monitoring System, Consulted, Founded @dateonfire
University of Waterloo Honors Computer Science Co-op student. Graduating in 2019. Fast learner, competent and team worker.
Waterloo Engineer. Formerly with Microsoft as a PM/Designer. Experience with Front-End Development.
Co-Founder and President of GoalRecorder
Front end developer and designer. Engineering student at @university-of-waterloo
Founder @stockpad • Full-stack Software Engineer, Skydiver from Canada • Worked at @scotia-capital, @td-securities • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Studying at University of Waterloo, Worked at Campbell Company of Canada and Jonar System Inc
Work @maplesoft , Worked @IKCO, Studied @concordia-university-1 , Studies Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Passionate about model based product design
Executive brings over 20 years of experience at both start-up and industry leading technology companies.
Passionate about retail, technology and operations. Experienced with full-agency account management, inside sales, copywriting and analytics.
Mobile UI/UX junkie, sloppy perfectionist, and a KWBBDev group organizer. Dedicated to @Arroware and @TeamCandid, on a mission to change the world!
Director of Operations at StartMeUp Ryeson
Studied at @university-of-waterloo, @university-of-western-ontario
Waterloo CS; Laurier BBA; passionate; looking to start something awesome
Studied at @university-of-waterloo, @wilfrid-laurier-university
Multimedia graduate, managed the website and built a cross-platform mobile app at Ontario Sheep.
Now doing contract website design and building apps.
Honors Computer Science / BBA student at University of Waterloo; UI/UX designer, Web designer; Strong communication and problem solving skills
Former Co-founder at IMHO STOCKS. Canadian Student Entrepreneur award nominee 2012.
CycleKey Founder. Studied at @university-of-waterloo where I was also the "hard TA". Former engineering consultant and electronics designer.
Founder, Better Capital • 8+ years of Corporate Finance and Investment Banking experience • Worked at TD Securities, Scotia Capital • Ivey Business School MBA.
Worked at @infosys-technologies • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Business Lead at OcuFlow( where we are making next generation eye models. Also a student at the University of Waterloo
Waterloo New Grad in 2014; Web developer since freshman year highschool; Worked at SAP
Founder @musicology-ca • Worked at @apple, @hewlett-packard • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Founder @funraisers-ca • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Operationally focused COO/CFO who understands how to use technology to drive cost out of business operations.
Active contributor to ReviewBoard. Worked at @fora, @bookneto. Studying CS at University of Waterloo. IOI 2011 bronze medalist.
Waterloo Systems Design Engineering. Designer and engineer. ex-Courserian.
Studies Nanotechnology Engineering and Knowledge Integration @university-of-waterloo . Works at @Nicoya Lifsciences. Athlete, traveller, problem-solver.
uWaterloo Accounting and Finance, 95th Percentile BAT, strong leadership, teamwork and communciation skills
Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo
Uwaterloo Engineer, mobile and consumer hardware experience, worked at leading mobile app companies and YC startups.
CTO & Founder at @blitzen • Worked at @google • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Computer Engineering student at University Of Waterloo. Mobile Engineering and Embedded systems enthusiast. Love hack-a-thons and open source projects.
Engineering and Knowledge Integrator at Waterloo. Worked at SAP, Desire2Learn, MyPlanet Digitial. Part time student and full time dreamer.
University of Waterloo CS, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, attention to details, and passion on learning
Waterloo Master's Student working in Machine Learning
Waterloo Computer Engineering, Entrepreneur & Full-Stack Software Developer
tech enthusiast/
future _______
Waterloo Computer Engineering, Front-End Developer
Global | Missional | Digital | Strategist
Embedded software developer • Worked at @blackberry-2 • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Founder TeamAtLast, jimport
Worked at @experiment • Studied at @university-of-waterloo
Diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Coding Disorder), student at University of Waterloo.
Worked at @turnstyle-solutions • @university-of-waterloo ECE
Worked on both software engineering and QA teams. Passion for development; currently developing Android app as self-study and working as Ruby on Rails Developer
3D Designer, FIRST Robotics world champion, Electronics Enthusiast, Nanotechnology Engineering Student
Ideas, products and everything in between. uWaterloo Systems Design Engineering. Front-End and Mobile Dev, Product Management, and Strategy.
Waterloo CS new grad; Worked at Facebook, Oracle
Student at @university-of-waterloo
Waterloo Geomatics, experience with Java, Python, MySQL, and ArcGIS
Worked at @fora
Passionate about greate code, which leads to great software.
Worked at @facebook, @lookout, @qualcomm, @pivotal-labs • Honours Computer Science @university-of-waterloo
Jack of all trades, Master of none
Founded SpinMe Alarm Clock. CS Student at University of Waterloo
Worked at @webotics • Studied at @wilfrid-laurier-university
Serial entrepreneur and co-founder at @outsourcefactor. Also a developer with Python / Django / Linux.
8 years of involvement in IT. Co-founded 3 startups. Business & coding. UWaterloo MBET, Bocconi BBA.
Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer @nowinstore
Hardware Engineering Intern @apple, Mechatronics Engineering student @university-of-waterloo, LCD/OLED Displays @blackberry-2, ZigBee/Z-Wave @mmb-networks
Director at @north-innovation-fund, Director at @northbridge-consultants
Founder @mylocal • Worked Product at @blackberry-2 • Studied at @wilfrid-laurier-university
University of Ottawa. Creative problem solver. Recently assembled first team for startup idea. Received Scotiabank's Best of the Best designation.
Passionate about startups. Physics & Finance student at Western University. Founder of Spotlander.
Project Lead at Pravala Networks. Started a startup in University focused on mobile and web technology. Full stack JavaScript developer.
Founder @politica-esporte-clube • Studied at @newton-paiva
Software engineer. CTO of Artdst.
MEng CE graduate from UBC; Worked at BlackBerry, Motorola and Canadian tech startups.
Financial product R&D. Sales and Marketing in highly regulated businesses. Former CCO. Quant. finance + MBA.
Wilfrid Laurier BBA, co-op student, launched 1 start-up, worked at PwC, tech savvy, learning to code in Objective C.
Canadian. CEO/Founder The Mentor+Project and • Products, Marketing + Social Media Guy
Consultant at FreshInsights Consulting. Business generalist with focus on strategy and marketing. Worked at BlackBerry and Sun Life Financial. Goodman BBA '13.
Computing & BBA Double Degree | Developed numerous WebApps | UI&Graphic Design | Full-Stack
Software Developer at @tawlk LLC. Real-time social search and analysis. Focus on machine learning, NLTK, data mining and sentiment analysis.
Marketing Master. Design Freak. Webmaster Extraordinaire.
Inventor, Electrical engineering, Worked at BlackBerry
Integrity Tactical Services Manager at PTC
Spry is a private incubator founded in 2009 at the Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan border.
Product marketer with a focus on business development & digital marketing. Passionate about innovation and helping businesses grow.
Environment and Business student at Waterloo; International Business focus with experience in Consulting, Finance and Telecommunications
Co-founder @121writing on a mission to demystify writing. Incubated by @imaginek12. Prev Kira Talent @ Next36, uWaterloo for CS and Knowledge Integration.
University of Toronto Grad, Proven Team Leader, accomplished / drivien developer
Founder @boreal-solar-inc
Writer | Creative | Passion for Innovation | Aspiring Marketer Seeking New Opportunities